This Agreement determines Terms of Use of materials and services of the site (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”).
1. Common Terms
1.1. Use of materials and services of this Site is subject to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.2. This Agreement is a public offer. It is considered that User accedes to this Agreement by receiving an access to the materials of this Site.
1.3. Administration of this Site reserves the right at any time and in its sole discretion to amend terms of this Agreement. Such amendments come into force at the end of the three-day period from the publication of new version of the Agreement on this Site. In case User does not agree with the amendments made he or she must not visit the Site and must stop using materials and services of this Site.
2. User’s Obligations
2.1. User agrees not to act in a manner that can be considered as violation of Russian Law or standards of international law that govern among other things spheres of intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights. Furthermore User agrees not to act in a manner that leads or can lead to breakdown of this Site and its services.
2.2. User cannot use materials of this Site without permission from Copyright Holders (article 1270 of Civil Code of RF). To use materials of this Site lawfully User should obtain the license from Copyright Holders.
2.3. At any use of materials of this Website including works of authorship the Internet hyperlink is obligatory (item 1 (1) of article 1274 of Civil Code of RF).
2.4. User’s comments and other notes on the Site should not come into conflict with legislative requirements of the Russian Federation and generally accepted norms of morality.
2.5. User is informed that Administration of this Site accepts no responsibility for the contents of any web-sites to which this Site may have links.
2.6. User agrees that Administration of this Site is not liable to any person for loss or damage which may arise from the use of any information contained within this Site, registration of copyrights and information on such registration, goods and services available on the Site or received through links to third companies or other contact based on the information contained within this Site or other sites to which this Site has links.
2.7. User agrees that all materials and services of this Site or their parts may have advertisements. User agrees that Administration of this Site accepts no responsibility and is not liable to any person for such advertisements.
3. Other Conditions
3.1. The Courts of Russian Federation shall have jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising from this Agreement or related to this Agreement.
3.2. Nothing in this Agreement can de regarded as establishment of agency or other relations which were not explicitly provided by this Agreement between the User and Administration of the Site.
3.3. In case the Court finds any clause of this Agreement invalid or not subject to compulsory execution, other clauses of this Agreement will not be considered invalid.
3.4. In case any User violates provisions of this Agreement, inactivity of the Administration of this Site in this respect does not debar the right of Administration of this Site to take action later to defend its interest and copyrights on materials of the Site.
User confirms that he or she has read and understood all clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.