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Roofing materials. Slate producers win positions

The last couple of decades, such roofing material as slate, was giving up its position, yielding to a different kind of tiles and roll materials. However, according to the experts of the Chrysotile Association, it is premature to talk about the final capitulation. In Soviet times, slate, a roofing material made of cement, water and a natural mineral of chrysotile-asbestos, was used everywhere. They covered both multi-storey buildings and private houses. The last 25 years the slate has appreciably succumbed to the roofing materials made of metal, ondulin and flexible roofing.

Among other things, the decrease in the share of slate is associated with changes in design and architecture: flat roofs prevail over sloping ones, and slate is used for pitched roofing. If in 2003 the ratio of segments was equal, then in 2014 the share of materials for flat roofs increased to 60%.

Another important factor is that in the last three years the market for all building materials has been sagging somewhat: due to the economic downturn, the number of erected objects, both individual and multi-storey, has decreased.

As a result, over the past 10 years, the number of Russian enterprises producing wavy chrysotile cement sheets (slate) has decreased from 17 to 12 - five players left the market. Now in each district of Russia there are one or two factories specializing in the production of slate.

Pricing promotes sales growth

Despite the overall decrease in the proportion of materials for pitched roofs, it is impossible to say that the slate has ceased to be in demand. At the beginning of 2016, slate accounted for 12% of total sales. At the end of 2016, the percentage reached 16%.

"First of all, this is due to the cost of chrysotile cement sheets. Slate is cheaper than other roofing materials, and while incomes of the population and companies have fallen, this becomes an important factor, "experts say. However, efforts undertaken by Chrysotile Association to revive the use of slate also give their results.

According to experts, despite the fact that the number of players in the market has decreased, the remaining manufacturers will be able to close all the needs of builders in the material.

Up to 20% of slate is exported

About 15 years ago, the slate was produced mainly for Russia - no more than 3% of the total output went to countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. In the last 3-5 years, the export of this type of roof began to grow. The former neighbors in the Soviet Union are still interested in the slate, but now the vector of cooperation has shifted to the south: the Russian slate is bought by Moldova, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Georgia. Now the export share reaches 20% of all the produced material.

Slate producers play into the hands of the fact that the importation of this type of roofing into our country has been banned since 2006. True, Russian plants have to contend with counterfeit: despite the legislative restriction, some of the materials come from China illegally.

Experts of the construction market say that slate as a roofing material is gaining popularity again. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that recently consumers are interested in modern types of material: for example, small-sized painted slate. So, manufacturers should pay more attention to the study of demand and develop new technologies.

Source: ura.ru


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