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Cement. Between Bashkiria and Magnitogorsk is planned to build a new cement plant

In Bashkortostan near Magnitogorsk is planned to build a new cement plant. Residents of the Russian metallurgical capital are alarmed by yet another harmful production.

In the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkortostan, rumors have been rumbling the last days that a cement plant may appear on the border of two Russian regions in a couple of years. According to local media, the new plant will be located just a few kilometers from Magnitogorsk, whose severe environmental situation is already giving reasons for reflection.

In the near future, in municipal formations of the two regions, public hearings should take place, at which local residents will be able to express their opinion. It is known that the Austrian company Lasselsberger will become the owner of the cement plant.

The Austrians chose Bashkiria as a production site because of their rich raw materials base. Nearby are the power facilities of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine, good personnel and logistics. The final decision on the construction of the plant in this place has not yet been taken.


Source: versiya.info

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